Value Database for German Coins

Values of German coins


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Deutsche Münzdatenbank

Sammlershop Schmidtkonz für Briefmarken, Ansichtskarten und Münzen

Introduction / Sprache nach deutsch ändern

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The coin database shows you the values of coins from Germany. 
The values are estimated average prices of German dealers in Euro. 
(1 EUR = approx. 1.10 US$). 
We don't give any guarantee that these values are correct.
You will find here the values of German coins

1950 D 60.5 million  vf 1.35US$ xf 13.50US$ unc 33.75US$
1950 = year / D = mint mark / 60.5 million = mintage/ vf 1.35US$ xf 13.50US$ unc 33.75US$ = values depending on grade
Information about coin grading s = f, ss = vf, vz = xf, unz = unc

Some German words:

Deutschland = Germany, Deutsches Reich = German Empire
Münze = Coin, Kursmünze = Coin for currency
Großmünze = large coin, Gedenkmünze = commemorative coin
Gewicht = weight, Durchmesser = diameter
Kupfer = copper, Silber = silver

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